Thermoreg is located in Mildenhall, Suffolk, England. The factory is 9,000 square feet or 836 square meters and equipped with CNC Vertical mills, and a CNC lathes, Conventional Lathes, Conventional Mills, Vertical Borer, and Radial Drill. We also have a Pressure Testing area, Paint shop, Inspection and Dispatch area.
Thermoreg has a small but highly skilled workforce with many years of engineering experience; Working from CAD Drawings and our own design castings which we source from UK Foundry’s we do everything in house from machining to drilling, Testing to Painting of our Valves and Elements. We also have the skill to modify other manufactures valves or supply replacement spares.
Thermoreg has the ability to produce 1 off’s or batch production with a fast turnaround. This in turn helps us to keep costs down while maintaining the highest standard of quality. We consider no job to small.